Monday, August 11, 2014

Kenadie's 1st Day of Preschool!

This morning, I had a little preschooler raring & ready to go.  She couldn't get me out the door fast enough.

She knew I wanted pictures before we left and ended up getting annoyed with me because she was done after two pictures and I wasn't finished getting what I wanted.

I did the same "Back to School" sign for Kenadie as I did for Lincoln.  I loved how they turned out.  Again, these were not my original idea, but I did do the work in designing them and printing them off at OfficeMax.  Really simple and very easy.

Do you see the annoyed look!?!?

When we got to school she was fine.  She practically ran to the door.  BUT, the moment we got inside the classroom and her teacher greeted her, she froze up and tried to hide behind me and would not let go of me.

Adorable tote bag from this Etsy shop.

I was so heart broken, because I knew she was looking forward to this day and I knew she would have an amazing time going to school, but she just couldn't get past the fear of "actually going to school".

My aunt that made Lincoln's back to school shirt, also made Kenadie's shirt.  It turned out super cute! 

She cried and cried as the teacher took her by the hand and took her to the bathroom to wash hands (hanging up their totes and washing hands are their morning routines).  It was the saddest thing I had witnessed with her.  I had tears welling up in my eyes and by the time I got back to the vehicle, I let it flow.  I felt horrible leaving her like that.  I had this sense of guilt that I had never felt before.  I felt like she would hate me for doing that to her.  I had never ever left my child as she cried, before.

Her fake smile.  She was over it and just ready to go.

I made it back home and Chris and the boys got ready so they could join me to pick her up.  We had a few errands to run after school was over.  Lincoln didn't have school today, as he is still being staggered in this week and doesn't start full time until next week.

When we finally picked her up and spoke with the teacher, we learned she had had a great day.  Her teacher said she finally got Kenadie to smile, especially during music time.  That seemed to be her favorite time.

Returning and checking out books at the library after school!

I asked Kenadie if she enjoyed her first day and she told me she did.  She got to make a puppet, sing, learn to cut and glue, and had a snack.  When I asked about any new friends she made, she couldn't think of any little girls names from school, however, she did tell me there was a little boy named Brody, with red hair, that was there (then she giggled). Such a silly girl!

I am so glad she had a good day and the tears didn't last the entire time.  I pray that when she goes back on Wednesday, we have a less dramatic drop-off.

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