Friday, August 29, 2014

Harrison's 9 Month Check-Up!

Today was Harrison's 9 month Check-Up and thankfully it was a quick in & out, shot-free visit.

This kid loves to play with the paper on the exam table.

It kept him entertained when he wasn't checking out the baby in the mirror.

He was even giving the baby kisses.  So sweet and so funny!

His stats: 
Weight - 23lbs
Height- 29 3/4in.

The Nurse Practitioner noticed something about his left eye that had her a little concerned.  She tried to explain it to me and show me, but I couldn't see what she was trying to point out, but basically it has something to do with his left eye moving to the left when he tries to focus in on something.  She is sending him to a specialist to have it checked on.  She said he "could" end up needing glasses for a few years.

Other than that he had a great appointment!  He goes back in December for his 12 month visit!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Projects, Learning, & Stories

Last week on Friday, Lincoln had a monthly project due for school.  It was an "All About Me" project.  His teacher sent home a cut out poster board of the letter of his name.  We were to glue pictures or anything that described him.

I printed off pictures that best describe Lincoln and what he loves and found stickers to give it a little flare.  It turned out cute and I can't wait to see it displayed at school!

Also, last Friday, Kenadie brought home her crafts from school.  They learn about one letter each week and last week was letter "A".  I've got to make her a school keepsake box like I did for Lincoln to save all of her goodies she brings home.

Something else I put back to save was this painting.

This painting is special because this was the first painting she did at school.  And in order to paint, you must wear a smock.  Kenadie absolutely refused to put on a smock at orientation and the first week of school, but when I picked her up from school on Friday, the very first thing she told me was, "I wore a smock today!".   She was so proud that she over come this "fear" of wearing a smock.  She loves school so much and asks every day if she gets to go.

Last night at the dinner table Kenadie shared with us that she was learning about dinosaurs at school.  There is one really mean dinosaur that is in control over the others.  When asked which dinosaur it was, she came back with, "Bronco-saurus".  Apparently, she has been taught well by her cousin and aunt who love Peyton Manning and the Broncos.  :)

Kenadie was also the leader in her group at school for the first time.  She had been telling me every day that someone else was the leader and she wasn't.  I knew she wanted to be the leader, but was probably too shy to volunteer, but yesterday was her day!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Harrison - 9 Months!

Dear Harrison, as I fill out this months updates, I hope you know how much you are loved.  You really made me work for your pictures this time.  You did not want to sit still for one second.  You were all over the place.  Your mommy worked up a sweat just trying to get a few good pictures for your 9 month update.  You are precious, but my goodness, you are full of energy!  

Here is what's going on with Harrison at 9 months!

Weight: You have your 9 Month check up Friday!  I fill that info in then.

Height:  n/a

Clothes:  12 and 18 month clothes

Diapers:  Size 4, Parents Choice from Walmart have been working really well.

Nicknames:  Mister, Baby, and HarriSIN

Bottles: 6oz every 4-5 hours

Sleeping:  Up until the past few days, you had been waking up at least twice a night.  The past few nights, I've noticed a pattern of you only waking up around 2:30 or 3:30 and then sleeping until 7 or 8, which is WONDERFUL, but I am taking this day by day, because I know as soon as I hit publish on this post you could wake up.  (But please don't!!)

Naps:  You are still taking 2 naps every day, morning and afternoon.  Now with school in full swing, your naps are being interrupted, so maybe that is helping with your night time sleeping.

  • Drinking from a sippy cup
  • Standing alone, no support, for a few seconds at a time
  • Taking 1-2 steps
  • You wave and say bye-bye

Foods:  You eat anything I give you.  New things you had this month were pancakes, waffles, and cereal bars.  You loved each one.  

Outings/Trips:  Only new places this month were Lincoln and Kenadie's schools.

Discoveries:  You have figured out how to climb.

  1. Riding and playing inside the laundry basket 
  2. Dumping our DVD's into the floor
  3. Cell phones and remote controls
  4. Playing with the floor vents 
  5. Playing with the wall sockets (you wish they weren't baby proof)  
  6. Medicine bottles (yes they are empty and they are child proof)

  1. You absolutely hate for me to put you in your pack n play, activity center, or crib, because you know you are limited to what you can do and you can't get into things that way.
  2. You hate having your diaper changed... or maybe that's me hating to change your diaper because it's almost impossible to get you to lay still just long enough to change it.


And because these were just too cute not to share.  You and Lincoln were playing and having fun together.  Lincoln was playing Peek-A-Boo with you, trying to get you to laugh.  You thought it was so funny.  You love your brother and sister.

(yes I am fully aware my door needs cleaning... that's just life with kids!)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Kenadie Update!

Preschool is going great!  Kenadie is so excited every day she gets to go to school and she loves to pick out her outfit the night before.  Our cousin bought her this cupcake shirt (and cute cute shoes) and it had been hanging in the closet for a while, waiting for school, and she was so happy when she was finally able to wear it.  It was the first outfit she picked out by herself.  She even requested pigtail braids.

She has even learned to write her name just this week.

Before, I could barely get her to write the letter K.

Also this week, Kenadie lost her very first tooth.  She couldn't wait to share the news with Lincoln and let him know he wasn't the only one with a missing tooth now.

She put her tooth in her Tooth Fairy Pillow and woke up to a dollar.  She was very excited!!

It's been so much fun watching this little girl grow and learn new things.  I am so excited to see what this school year brings and see her come out of her little shell she often hides behind.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Kenadie's 1st Day of Preschool!

This morning, I had a little preschooler raring & ready to go.  She couldn't get me out the door fast enough.

She knew I wanted pictures before we left and ended up getting annoyed with me because she was done after two pictures and I wasn't finished getting what I wanted.

I did the same "Back to School" sign for Kenadie as I did for Lincoln.  I loved how they turned out.  Again, these were not my original idea, but I did do the work in designing them and printing them off at OfficeMax.  Really simple and very easy.

Do you see the annoyed look!?!?

When we got to school she was fine.  She practically ran to the door.  BUT, the moment we got inside the classroom and her teacher greeted her, she froze up and tried to hide behind me and would not let go of me.

Adorable tote bag from this Etsy shop.

I was so heart broken, because I knew she was looking forward to this day and I knew she would have an amazing time going to school, but she just couldn't get past the fear of "actually going to school".

My aunt that made Lincoln's back to school shirt, also made Kenadie's shirt.  It turned out super cute! 

She cried and cried as the teacher took her by the hand and took her to the bathroom to wash hands (hanging up their totes and washing hands are their morning routines).  It was the saddest thing I had witnessed with her.  I had tears welling up in my eyes and by the time I got back to the vehicle, I let it flow.  I felt horrible leaving her like that.  I had this sense of guilt that I had never felt before.  I felt like she would hate me for doing that to her.  I had never ever left my child as she cried, before.

Her fake smile.  She was over it and just ready to go.

I made it back home and Chris and the boys got ready so they could join me to pick her up.  We had a few errands to run after school was over.  Lincoln didn't have school today, as he is still being staggered in this week and doesn't start full time until next week.

When we finally picked her up and spoke with the teacher, we learned she had had a great day.  Her teacher said she finally got Kenadie to smile, especially during music time.  That seemed to be her favorite time.

Returning and checking out books at the library after school!

I asked Kenadie if she enjoyed her first day and she told me she did.  She got to make a puppet, sing, learn to cut and glue, and had a snack.  When I asked about any new friends she made, she couldn't think of any little girls names from school, however, she did tell me there was a little boy named Brody, with red hair, that was there (then she giggled). Such a silly girl!

I am so glad she had a good day and the tears didn't last the entire time.  I pray that when she goes back on Wednesday, we have a less dramatic drop-off.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Preschool Orientation Day!

Today was Kenadie's Preschool Orientation Day.  We got to meet with her teachers and check out the classroom.

Kenadie was SO excited that it was finally her turn to get to go to school.  As I was getting her ready along with myself and two other children, I quickly realized that I am going to have to get up early on school mornings to make sure I am showered and ready so I can get all three children ready and out the door on time.  I see very early bed times in my future!

When we got to school, Kenadie was a little shy and hid behind me a little when the teachers tried talking to her.  They were very sweet and patient with her though, so that eased my mind for when she starts Monday and I have to leave her.

I honestly think that she acts shy more so when I am around.  People have told me that she will talk and participate once I leave.  I am really hoping that is the case and she thrives this school year and comes out of her shell.

We stayed for probably an hour and she was still shy.  I asked several times if I could get a picture of her actually looking at me, but she would not look at me at all.

She got a little more comfortable and moved around the room and played with different things.

really wanted her picture in front of this board that has all of the students names, BUT she would not look at me.  However, she did search for her name and pointed to it.

She is officially a preschooler now and her first day will be Monday.  I am praying that I won't lose it and cry.  It is so emotional for me right now.  My babies are growing up and there's no stopping them!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bays Mountain Park

Last week, Chris and I took the kids to Bays Mountain Park for some family fun.  Chris had been to this park a couple of times, but the kids and I had never been before.  It was such a fun day.  It was so pretty there and not crowded at all.

We knew this would be one of very few last chances to do something with the kids before they start school full time, so it was so nice to have this time with them.

The pretty dam we walked across.  

Lincoln and Kenadie loved this and thought it was so neat.

They had lots of trials and different habitats.  My favorite was Lily Cove.  I love lily pads.

As soon as we parked, we were met by a doe.  It was not afraid of anyone.  Trying to bum food from others who were picnicking.

We saw three wolves.  That was pretty neat to see up close, but that's as close as I would like to see one and really ever want to see.  

We hope to make it  back during Fall season while the leaves are changing.  I know it will be beautiful then.

It was a fun family day.  We left the park and headed to Longhorn Steakhouse for supper and then we went shopping for Lincoln's school supplies.   I am going to miss these days when we can just pack up and go when and where ever we want, but I am also looking forward to the school year too. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Lincoln's First Day of Kindergarten!

Today was Lincoln's first day of Kindergarten!

Last night I snuggled in bed with him and read "Look out Kindergarten, Here I come!"  Such a cute book and precious time spent with my Lincoln.  After reading to him, I was talking to him about going to school and everything he would be doing, he admitted he was a little nervous about going, but he knew he would be OK.  I knew he would be OK too.

This morning he was SO excited!

I loved making his "Back To School" sign, which was super easy and super cute. 

My aunt made his shirt.  She has a machine that prints off images and words and she can iron them on shirts. The shirt says, "Preschool is SO last year.  Kindergarten Rocks!"  It turned out so cute, my aunt did such a good job!  Lincoln's principal seen his shirt as she greeted us this morning and she absolutely LOVED it!  

Lincoln was so excited to get to see his friends from Preschool.

While the kids played, the parents visited with three different people over policies and procedures of the school.   We were at the school from 8 - 11:30.  

After the parents got information about the school, we all headed back to one of the classrooms where one of the Kindergarten teachers read to the students.  It then led to the kids going on an clue hunt in search of a Gingerbread man that they had just read about.  Super cute!!

Once all of the clues were found, we all headed back to the classroom where the kids made a gingerbread person.

Lincoln had a blast and did not want to leave when it was over.   Needless to say, he isn't nervous anymore.  Actually, he's quite upset he doesn't go back tomorrow.  The first two weeks he will only go a total of 5 days, because they stagger them in so they get the children use to everything and they are not so overwhelmed.  

We go this Wednesday for his Kindergarten screening and to drop off his supplies, then he won't go back until next week.  He had so much fun!  I am so excited to see what this school year brings.