Friday, August 29, 2014

Harrison's 9 Month Check-Up!

Today was Harrison's 9 month Check-Up and thankfully it was a quick in & out, shot-free visit.

This kid loves to play with the paper on the exam table.

It kept him entertained when he wasn't checking out the baby in the mirror.

He was even giving the baby kisses.  So sweet and so funny!

His stats: 
Weight - 23lbs
Height- 29 3/4in.

The Nurse Practitioner noticed something about his left eye that had her a little concerned.  She tried to explain it to me and show me, but I couldn't see what she was trying to point out, but basically it has something to do with his left eye moving to the left when he tries to focus in on something.  She is sending him to a specialist to have it checked on.  She said he "could" end up needing glasses for a few years.

Other than that he had a great appointment!  He goes back in December for his 12 month visit!

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